Saturday, May 14, 2011

Blogger Don't Fail Me!

You May have noticed a lot of blogs did not have new posts for a couple days.  If you aren't a 'Blogger' then you wouldn't know the site was to close for an hour for maintenance.  It was a bit longer than that but everything seems ok now, only lost a couple comments in the process so onward and upward.  This is the final painting from the other day at Crystal Springs Gardens.  I bet next week the rhodies will have come out in full force after the last couple warm days.  Last night I attended a roof  party on top of the Eco Trust building and it was perfectly delightful. I think we are finally taking the right steps toward the warm seasons.  I'm off to the frame shop this morning to find something nice to put around this.  Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden

Four of us showed up bright and early to paint water, reflections, and Rhodies at Crystal Springs in East Moreland.  It was a great day. As it warmed up, we saw several more members of the Portland Plein Air group come by to sketch and take photos

Spotted these shade loving blooms across the way, can't get enough of that spring pink!
My first little on location painting starts out with light values while I get all the elements in position. You'll have to come back tomorrow to see the final. the camera battery is charging!  As an aside, as we were packing up we spotted a big  camera crew setting up for some mysterious extravagant event. Found out later it was Vanna White doing background shots for 'Wheel of Fortune'.  I hope they got pictures of all the birds too!