Monday, July 11, 2011

Grandpa's Ride

There used to be a matching boat but now this is just a feed truck, going to the dump truck, and sometimes he uses it to herd Buffalo from here to there. There's a big front seat; plenty of room for all the grand kids.

Grandpa's Ride, Pen and Watercolor, 5 x 5 inches 
For Sale, Send my profile a message


  1. I like how you "indicated" the license plate..this is where I think many artists goof up--they try to put the actual license plate number in a painting! gah! ...You put just enough detail in this, and it also has Carrie Holst flair

  2. Love this, Carrie. You are so good at this sort of thing. It is direct, but you captured everything that is important.

  3. Thanks Celeste and Carolyn, the marks on he license plate were just warm color accents


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